****************************** *** USB08 Reference Design *** *** List of Changes *** ****************************** V1.02a: ===================================================================== - added #pragma interrupt_handler in vecjb8.c to meet newly introduced requirement of ICC08 V6.10 and above (Cosmic version not affected) V1.02: ===================================================================== - Compiler-dependencies in SETTINGS.H are now controlled automatically - U08LED.H: initLED() macro enhanced to avoid some LEDs being on out of reset V1.01: ===================================================================== General: - additional support of ICC08 ANSI-C Compiler (see http://www.imagecraft.com/software) - consideration of differences between ImageCraft and Cosmic C for: * Interrupt Function Definition * Inline Assembly - Global Settings for Compiler and Target in SETTINGS.H, referenced to in all C-Modules - same source code base for both Compilers, plus some additional files for Cosmic: USB08.LKF, BUILD.BAT, CRTSJB8.S/.O U08MAIN.C - Selection of USB/RS232 version moved to SETTINGS.H - Dummy Definition "@interrupt void isrUSB() { }" removed (was used in RS232 version only) U08KEY.C -/- U08ADC.C - scaleSADC() uses C statements, no more Inline-Assembly - better Delay Implementation - getSADC() reworked U08USB.C - const modifier added for SetupDataPtr - volatile modifier added for dest in handleIN1() - volatile modifier added for src in handleOUT2() U08DESC.C - const modifier added for StringDescTable[] U08232.C -/- VECJB8.C - some Compiler dependent adjustments CRTSJB8.S - this is the C-Startup Module for Cosmic C, for Imagecraft use the Standard C-Startup Module of ICC08 V1.00 ===================================================================== Initial Release (Cosmic C only)