Premium Contents on
...from the Ranch:
Links to HC08 Resources on Freescale Servers
Freescale (formerly Motorola) manufactures a huge amount of silicon - you'll find out if you ever search Freescale's web resources for a specific information! Actually, I have given up to update my deep links, because they seem to change continously. So, find out yourself, starting at:'s chat room:
Mailing Lists and Newsgroups
While other manufacturers host large community-driven interactive systems on their websites, Motorola has decided to close their own HC08 mailing list in May 2002. It has been a nice forum for years, thanks to all users who have participated so actively. Now, there is only a Yahoo group dedicated to HC05 and HC08 issues. Some poeple like it - some do not.
The following Internet Mailing Lists discuss HC08 topics. BTW: it's a good idea to read the messages on the list for a while to learn how the Mailing List subscribers communicate, before posting your own messages or questions.
To take part in a Mailing Liste you first must subscribe to the Maling List. To do so, just send an Email to the address of the List Server containing the message body "subscribe..." (see above). The Email's Topic line can be left empty - it has no meaning to the List Server.
Always use the right address: Commands (such as "subscribe" or "unsubscribe") go to the Address of the List Server. Messages always go to the Address of the List!
After your subscription to a specific Mailing List, the List Server usually sends a subscription confirmation. This message should be saved, because it also contains advice how to leave the Mailing List if required.
Currently there aren't any Newsgroups specifically dedicated to HC08 microcontrollers.
...value for free:
Shareware and Free Software for the HC08
...check that out:
Code Examples (Assembly language and C)
...interesting stuff:
HC08 Community: Projects, Links, Resources
...reading cultivates the mind:
Articles published in Magazines or Online
...more to read:
Books on the HC08
Harald Kreidl, Gerald Kupris, Peter Dilger:
68HC08 Mikrocontroller erfolgreich anwenden - Architektur, Software, Tools und Anwendungen
Franzis' 2000, 450 Seiten, CD-ROM, 128,- DM |
Vincent le Mieux:
L'USB pour tous - including several USB projects with the MC68HC908JB8
September 2004, detailed info on author's homepage |
...what money can buy:
Commercial HC08 Development Tools: Compilers, Debuggers, Emulators...
ICC08 - HC08 ANSI-C Cross-Compiler with Windows IDE by ImageCraft |
ICC08 - Information in German |
Made in France: COSMIC C for 68HC08 - Cosmic Software is one of the HC08 C-Compiler pioneers. The compiler is said to be rock solid, so it only depends on your budget... |
Cosmic's US office (for those not so familiar with French :-) |
COSMIC@Elektronikladen - German info |
Metrowerks CodeWarrior for HC08 - C/C++/compactC++ Compiler, Debugger, Simulator, IDE |
Several HC08 Products come from P&E Microcomputer Systems |
SofTec Microsystems - Italien supplier of development tools for HC08 and HCS08 |
Byte Craft Limited - C cross compilers and software development tools from Canada |
...hands-on hardware:
HC08 Evaluation Boards, Controller Modules and Single Board Computers